Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Have you ever wanted to create a little gallery for your wall? Surely by now you must realise that Etsy contains a veritable treasure trove of artistic wonders. And whether you like photographs, sketches or paintings, originals or prints, you’ll be sure to find what you’re looking for, as long as you know where to look. *ahem* click this link to browse the best art shops on Etsy. *ahem*

I recently finished a nice, understated gallery for my own kitchen wall, and wanted to share some tips with you on how I went about it.

1) First things first, set a budget. Boring, I know, but there’s no point going all out on the very first masterpiece you come across if that means you can no longer afford any friends for it to hang with. And you’ll not only have to buy multiple pieces, but if you’re overseas, the postage costs can really add up. Also, frames, if custom-made, can sometimes cost you more than the pieces themselves.

2) Take your time. It took me several months to find the perfect mix for my wall. I wanted illustrations, photography and paintings to give my gallery a more eclectic feel, and so I had them all sitting in my cart together, just to make sure they sat well with each other before I bought them.

3) Remember that choosing the right frame can be just as important as choosing the right piece. It may be a bit of a chore, but the rewards make it well worth it. I ended up hand selecting four custom frames online, specifying everything from the mat colour and width, to the material and colour etc, all the while being careful to chose something that would not only extenuate the art, but would also work well in the group.

4) Before you hang them, put all the frames on a flat surface so you can play around with the placement. Every time you try something new, take a photo, so you can then sit down with a cuppa, look at all your pics, and choose the arrangement you prefer. 

5) Hang them with 3M Command picture hanging strips or Nail Sawtooth Hangers – much easier to remove a sticker than to fix a hole in the wall! 

6) Make it perfect for you. No one has to love it more than you, so have fun, and don’t forget to share a pic of your amazing curations with me on Instagram (@acutabovetheretsy)!

Mel x

Here are the details of the pieces I bought on Etsy:

Top row from left to right
Rat by Berkley Illustration
Swirl by Clare Elsaesser
Parade Day (on canvas) by Kiki & Polly

Bottom row, in the middle
Nadadora II by Blancucha


  1. I love the Statue of Liberty picture! Can I ask where you found it? Stunning.

    1. Hi Penelope, it's from Unsplash. It needed some colour correcting pre-printing, so be aware of that if you decide to use their pics. Mel x
